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Alex le Serrurier

Founded by Alexandro Teixeira, Alex le Serrurier is a new kind of locksmith operating in Geneva. Usually when one is locked outside, one calls a locksmith who will usually break in with heavy tools and the customer will have to pay for the damage.

Alex le Serrurier is different. He is specialised in “soft break ins” which means he will first try to unlock the door with precision tools. If successful, the client will only have to pay for the locksmith intervention.



J12 designed the logo in partnership with Alex le Serrurier. He wanted to have a “badge” feeling so we got inspired by a modern hipster style. Alex le Serrurier wanted the fist to be “flexible” so we also made several versions (rock’n roll fist, middle finger…).

The website

There were not much visual content so we had to play a lot with the typography. We welcome the audience with an emotional photograph to show you that a mountain is not something to be necessarily afraid of, but can also be beautiful when you have the right tools to face it.

We used modern icons at the bottom to go along with the bright yellow and to contrast with the font.

The menu is on the right side and always available. We like to have it there because with a majority of right-hand, it feels more natural.

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