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Founded by Jean-David Hirshy, CV-Conseils is aiming to coach you to find a new job. People sometimes need an external look in order to up their game. CV-Conseils does just that by going over your CV, giving you tips and tricks on how to nail an interview etc.

Everything is done in 4 phases to make things simple.



J12 took care of the branding of CV-Conseils. The logo is simple with the rectangle surrounding the “CV” to remind us of a sheet of paper. Eventhough it’s a digital media, CV-Conseils works exclusively on the human aspect and we wanted to bring back some real life elements.

The colours are purposely bright yellow to appeal a younger generation.

The font has a typewriter look to bring back that physical paper feeling (real life element)

The website

There were not much visual content so we had to play a lot with the typography. We welcome the audience with an emotional photograph to show you that a mountain is not something to be necessarily afraid of, but can also be beautiful when you have the right tools to face it.

We used modern icons at the bottom to go along with the bright yellow and to contrast with the font.

The menu is on the right side and always available. We like to have it there because with a majority of right-hand, it feels more natural.

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